Non-CrossWire Text-Development Projects
From CrossWire Bible Society
The CrossWire Bible Society's purpose is to develop Bible software. Part of what makes great software is the availability of great content: Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, atlases, and other books. CrossWire depends on the availability of great content produced by others--we generally do not produce our own original content.
Some of these projects have a limited scope (perhaps just one book) while others serve as repositories for massive collections of texts. All links are just suggestions.
If you find additional projects or particular works being produced by those projects, please add them to the list if they fulfill following criteria:
- The texts described are actually available - not just in image form, but in some form of easily accessible format.
- The texts are freely licensed (or if distribution permissions have been sought and obtained).
Individual Bible Works or small collections of Bibles in same language
Biblical Languages and old translations
- TanakhML Project aims at providing scholars with efficient tools for travelling over the Bible in Hebrew, as well as with a common descriptive language for describing the structure of the Bible according to the Jewish masoretic tradition. TanakhML is thus, stricto sensu, that specific language, described according to the XML meta-language, used to express the structure of the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh (Tanach), as formalised by the Jewish tradition, or Masorah. Content is provided under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. The online Hebrew text is Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.
- Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament with accents, punctuation, morphology and lemmas. License CC-BY-SA (USA).
- The Clementine Vulgate Text Project – The Clementine Text Project was an effort between 2002 and 2005 to create a free online text version of the Clementine Vulgate. This is an historically important edition of the Latin Bible that previously did not exist in electronic form. The text has been released into the public domain.
- SHEBANQ – System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for Queries and Markup – Scholarly editions of the Bible usually dedicate space to a critical apparatus and various kinds of annotations. We introduce the idea of annotating the text with queries. They show up next to the chapters where the results are. Of course you can also share your hand-written annotations! SHEBANQ is a search engine for the Hebrew Bible, powered by the ETCBC4 linguistic database, formerly know as WIVU. The data is archived for open access, and the program code is open source. For further details, see About SHEBANQ.
- There is an online version of the database at Bible Online Learner.
- The database is maintained on GitHub. See ETCBC/shebanq
- Oude bijbels digitaal ontsloten – Old Dutch Bibles digitisation project.
- Open English Bible – a completely free modern English translation of the Bible. The OEB is under a Creative Commons Zero licence.
- David Martin 1707 French Bible – NT is complete. OT in progress - 10 books available.
- La Bible David Martin (1744 and 1855 editions
- French Bibles – Several historic Bibles and other important books have been digitized by the web-master, Yves Petrakian.
- The Wulfila project – a small digital library dedicated to the study of the Gothic language and Old Germanic languages in general. Our primary goal is to provide linguistically annotated editions that can be downloaded in TEI format or browsed online, linked to a digital glossary, POS-tags and interlinear translations. The focus is currently on the Gothic Bible and minor fragments; ...
- Baibala Hawaiian Bible 2 texts should be public domain
- Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, 1859 edition
- The English Hexapla 1841 – Greek New Testament according to Scholtz with 6 ancient English translations: Wiclif 1380, Tyndale 1534, Cranmer 1539, Geneva 1557, Rheims 1582, Authorised 1611
- Bosworth–Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
- The Kamusi Project is a participatory international effort dedicated to improving knowledge of the world's languages. Our long-term mission is to produce dictionaries and other language resources for every language, and to make those resources available everywhere to everyone. Our initial focus is the languages of Africa. Africa's one billion people speak about 2000 languages. Licensed: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
- Wikisource:
- Catholic Encyclopedia 1913
- Encyclopædia Brittanica 1911
- Project Runeberg – Nordic (Scandinavian) literature (including some Bibles, etc)
- West African Scripts Literature Ministry
- Alaskan Orthodox texts
- This site is an electronic library of historic Orthodox Christian resources in the indigenous languages of Alaska. Included in this site are printed texts in the Aleut, Alutiiq, Tlingit, and Yup'ik languages. Among these are some translations of the Holy Gospels.
- The Oxford Text Archive – browsing the catalogue I came across The Apostolic Fathers and the Hanga NT.
- From the University of Zurich, Zwingli’s theological treatises can be accessed here and his letters here.
- Volunteers at Free Bibles India are digitizing several public domain Indian language Bible translations. David is in contact with them and collaborating on some projects.
- Project GITenberg – a Free and Open, Collaborative, Trackable and Scriptable digital library. It leverages the power of the Git version control system and the collaborative potential of Github to make books more open.
- Translatable Exegetical Tools – TExT is short for Translatable Exegetical Tools. We desire to facilitate the development of freely distributable and translatable tools for biblical exegesis to serve the global church.
- Various Metrical Psalters collated by the Music for the Church of God, including the complete Scottish Psalter of 1650. The same website also hosts several hymnals, etc.
- Glaubensstimme - Das evangelische Archiv im Internet – We have been offered more or less the whole of Glaubensstimme archive for CrossWire. RefDoc has had a look at it - it is in essence a huge repository of German language texts, probably similar size as CCEL and would if we could work with it probably in one go double what we have in modules overall. Or more. Much of it is of huge quality - both theological and format wise. Most, but a few texts seem GenBook material. Commentaries and a couple of Bible translations are there too.
- Thai Christian Resources This site is almost entirely in Thai.
- The Internet Bible Catalog – an experiment in creating a web-based catalogue of existing Bible Translations.
- Bible Research – The site is for Bible students who are looking for detailed information on the history of the canon, texts, and versions of Scripture.