User:David Haslam
David Haslam was active (2007-2012) in developing Go Bible modules for Java ME enabled mobile phones.
I am an experienced Wikipedian.
My facebook profile is
CrossWire activities
The Go Bible project
Go Bible is no longer being actively developed. It's now well past its peak popularity due to the advent of smart phones.
I was responsible for several years as the Go Bible project leader for CrossWire. The related page content has been moved to Projects:Go Bible. The sidebar of the Go Bible Team blog lists several more relevant links. NB. The Go Bible Forum no longer exists.
Software development
In 2010, we released Go Bible 2.4.0 (together with Go Bible Creator).
In 2011, we released Go Bible Creator 2.4.1 (which still uses Go Bible Core 2.4.0) as a minor bug-fix.
Later in 2011, we released Go Bible Creator 2.4.3 and Go Bible 2.4.2 as maintenance bug-fixes.
Copyright lobbying
I spend a proportion of my time researching Bible translations and copyright lobbying, with a view to getting more Biblical content available for distribution by CrossWire, whether as SWORD modules or Go Bible applications. Whenever it's appropriate, I usually note these approaches in Module Requests.
Text pre-processing
Several projects involve pre-processing Bible text from various (legacy) formats that are unsupported by Go Bible Creator or SWORD utilities. This is an ongoing activity that I am involved in, sometimes with help from other CrossWire volunteers.
TextPipe Standard
In the course of my CrossWire & Go Bible activities, I have developed many bespoke file filters using TextPipe Standard edition. It's one of my favourite software resources.
Module making
During 2011, I began to learn how to make SWORD modules. Among my current projects is an aim to convert the translations hosted by Myanmar Bibles.
Other activities
I am an administrator for this wiki. I regularly participate in the sword-devel mailing list (aka SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum). I also help to manage the CrossWire page on Facebook.
Text Development
- I help module developers with the earlier task of text development and file conversion.
Useful links
This site was primarily made for my own convenience, yet other CrossWire developers may find it useful: