CrossWire KJV

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The KJV module was one of the earliest to be released and distributed by CrossWire after The SWORD Project was launched. It remains one of the most frequently downloaded modules in all our repositories.

The KJV module text is based substantially on the 1769 Oxford Edition (the basis for all modern editions), not the original 1611 first edition. See our FAQ.

This is the only module maintained by CrossWire volunteers. It is marked up in OSIS XML. All other modules are based on source text from external providers.

Provenance and acknowledgements

Strong's numbers provide a useful means for looking up the exact original language word in a lexicon that is keyed to Strong's Concordance.

Morphology data provides a means to understand the structure of the original language's morphemes and other linguistic units.

Special thanks to the volunteers at Bible Foundation for keying the Hebrew/English data and of Project KJV2003 for working toward the completion of synchronizing the English phrases to the Stephanus Textus Receptus, and to Dr. Maurice A. Robinson for providing the base Greek text with Strong's and Morphology.

We are also appreciative of formatting markup that was provided by Michael Paul Johnson.

Their time and generosity to contribute such for the free use of the Body of Christ is a great blessing and this derivitive work could not have been possible without these efforts of so many individuals. It is in this spirit that we in turn offer the KJV2003 Project text and its successors freely for any purpose.

We are also appreciative for the feedback reports over the years from several individuals that have enabled us to fix minor text and markup issues by comparison with the reference texts.

Reference text

The CrossWire KJV is meant to be the faithful e-text edition[1] of Benjamin Blayney's 1769 Oxford edition of the KJV[2] (hereafter called 1769 KJV). To that end we required it to be diligently checked against a reference standard for accuracy. Finding a reference text was a daunting task, not least because "most of it was destroyed by fire in the Bible warehouse".[3] What is known today as the KJV has been changed on a regular basis since it's first publication to today.[4] Some of these changes are well known; others are quietly done by publishers.[5]

There also was a need to have a reference for red-letter text. This too varied from one modern KJV to another.

See also User:Dmsmith/KJV_2.6#Reference_text_policy.

Need for a reference text

Ideally, the reference standard would be a faithful electronic copy of 1769 KJV. When CrossWire's KJV2006 Project was started there was no such text either as a facsimile or eText. In lieu of that, finding an acceptable text was needed to arbitrate the claims that "my KJV is right and it is different from what you have."

We compared our text with two independent 1769 KJV eTexts (CCEL and InterLeaf). All of the other eTexts we found seemed to be one of these three. Those comparisons yielded differences that needed to be verified in an independent text. Thus the need for *a* dead tree text. While working on the KJV2006 release, several websites that were dedicated to producing a "true" text were abandoned with chagrin that it is not a doable task apart from having a facsimile of the 1769 KJV, which was not known.

One criteria was finding a text that the KJV-only adherents felt was more accurate 1769 KJV text. Using various listings of differences between current and "true", dozens of dead tree texts in several stores were examined. Also, it was important to avoid copyright claims based upon minor changes in the text. Both combined to come up with the Public Domain Old Scofield Study Bible[6]. The Biblical text was thought to be one of the most faithful copies of the 1769 Oxford Edition.[7] It was published in 1917, which was important in terms of USA copyright law. It was also considered to be a faithful red-letter text.

We have obtained a hard copy facsimile of the "Blayney" 1769 KJV text. This will be the reference text going forward.

Need for a reference red-letter text

Red-Letter text is a fairly recent addition to the 1769 KJV. In 1899, Louis Klopsch proposed rendering the words of Christ in red letters. His work was published in 1901. Recently (2016-01-28), we've obtained Louis Klopsch's 1901 edition of the KJV and will use that as the future reference for red-letter text.


  1. With added features suited to the digital age we live in.
  2. Excluding the Apocrypha.
  3. Jewish Encyclopedia: article by Crawford Howell Toy, Edgar Mels
  4. Refer to F H A Scrivener and to the New Cambridge Paragraph Bible.
  5. See also Concerning the 1769 Blayney Bible and Appendix D (page 138) of Scrivener.
  6. The use of the Scofield in no way implies our endorsement of the extensive non-canonical study notes therein.
  7. i.e. Even by those in the KJV Only movement.

Chosen Texts

The public domain Old Scofield Study Bible was used for version 2.3 to 2.10 for text and for version 2.3 to 2.9 for red-letter markup.

The Louis Klopsch 1901 KJV is used for red-letter markup for 2.10 and later.

The 1769 KJV facsimile is used for text, front-matter, notes, cross-references, titles, .... for versions after 2.11.
The following 4 volumes are print on demand Gale ECCO editions[1][2] published by Gale.

  • The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Volume 1 of 4, ISBN-13: 9781171169826
  • The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Volume 2 of 4, ISBN-13: 9781171169819
  • The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Volume 3 of 4, ISBN-13: 9781171169802
  • The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Volume 4 of 4, ISBN-13: 9781171169796
    Translated Out of the Original Greek: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to by Read in Churches.

A scanned copy of the 1769 KJV[3] is also available at


  1. These "high quality" facsimile reprints contain numerous words with dotless letter ı – we must therefore assume that the publisher applied some undeclared clean-up process to the page scans to remove "blemishes" that has had the unfortunate effect of changing dotted i to dotless ı in many words.
  2. That clean-up process may also explain why some full-stops are missing where they would usually be expected.
  3. Currently this is only for the books Genesis to Jeremiah.


Any copyright that might be obtained for this effort is held by the CrossWire Bible Society © 2003-2023 and the CrossWire Bible Society hereby grants a general public license to use this text for any purpose.

CrossWire's KJV module is an amalgamation of different source material. Each has its own copyright or is in the public domain.

  • The actual text validated against 2 independent eTexts and found differences against our hard-copy reference for such.
  • The Red Letter markup of the words of Christ have been validated against our hard-copy reference for such.
  • The Strong's numbers in the OT are from The Bible Foundation.
  • The Strong's numbers in the NT are from Dr Maurice A. Robinson, Senior Professor of New Testament and Greek at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in North Carolina.
  • The OSIS XML markup is a unique effort that began with our KJV2003 project – Copyright © 2003-2023 The CrossWire Bible Society.
  • The tagging of Strong's numbers to the NT text is a unique effort of our KJV2003 project – Copyright © 2003-2023 The CrossWire Bible Society.

Crown copyright, Letters Patent and the KJV

In the United Kingdom, the text of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible is protected by royal prerogative. "There is a small class of materials where the Crown claims the right to control reproduction outside normal copyright law due to Letters Patent issued under the royal prerogative. This material includes the King James Bible, and the Book of Common Prayer." See Crown copyright.

In most of the world, the Authorized Version has passed out of copyright and is freely reproduced. In the United Kingdom, the British Crown restricts production of the Authorized Version per transitional exemptions from the Copyright Act 1775 (which implemented this clause) in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (Schedule I, section 13(1)), which expire in 2039. Cambridge University Press[1], Oxford University Press, HarperCollins and the King's Printers have the right to produce the Authorized Version. See King James Bible.

The British & Foreign Bible Society (based in the UK) respects this copyright status, although many American organisations do not respect it and treat it wrongly as if it were public domain. In reality, the many editions of the KJV used in the USA are a revision of the text made by the American Bible Society and the rights for this revision are still held by ABS.

Permission to publish the KJV in England and Wales can be obtained by following the guidance in A Brief Guide to Liturgical Copyright, third edition (RTF file); permission to publish in Scotland requires contacting the Scottish Bible Board. All signatories to the International Copyright Treaty are obliged to recognize each other's copyrights, so, technically speaking, the KJV is copyrighted throughout the world. However, it is unlikely that any prosecution under copyright law would succeed outside the UK.


  1. Cambridge University Press wrote to Go Bible several years ago, acting as agents of Crown copyright. Their request was simple and straightforward, viz., that we include a clear statement about Crown copyright for the KJV. After we did that, and informed them, they seem to have been satisfied.

Distribution License

Currently the files kjv.conf and kjva.conf used to contain the following key:

DistributionLicense=General public license for distribution for any purpose

This form of words did not match any of the defined options listed in Copyright & Licensing related elements. We should change this to one of the specified items.

Modules version 3.1 and thereafter now has DistributionLicense=GPL.


Hyphenated names

In the KJV module, for compound Hebrew names, the corresponding names in the OT use the en dash U+2013.[1]

A hyphen is used by SWORD to split words as if it were a word boundary punctuation symbol. An en dash is not. [2][3]

Twelve instances of other English hyphenated words in both testaments use the ordinary hyphen/minus character.[4]


  1. These occur 798 times in the KJV mdoule.
  2. It is actually not the case that an en dash in such names corresponds to a maqaf in the Hebrew!
  3. A discussion began in January 2025 about whether to use the non-breaking hyphen U+2011 instead.
  4. These being: God-ward 3, Maran-atha 1, joint-heirs 1, thee-ward 1, us-ward 3, you-ward 3.

Margin notes

The KJV module currently has no note elements in the NT.

In a study of the marginal notes in the 1611 KJV, Scrivener[1] counted:

  • 6637 in the OT
  • 1018 in the Apocrypha
  • 0767 in the NT
  • 8422 in total

Of the 767 notes in the NT, 35 are explanatory notes or brief ex­positions, 582 give alternative translations, 112 give a more literal ren­dering of the Greek than the translators judged suitable for the text, and 37 give readings of different manuscripts.

The KJV module (2.11 wip) currently has the following study notes:

  • 6959 in the OT of which a few are duplicates on the same "page" for similar verses.[2][3]

Literatura Bautista has an article by Calvin George entitled "An exhaustive listing of the marginal notes of the 1611 edition of the King James Bible".[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] This is a very useful resource for checking our module and comparing with the 1769 Reference Text. David Haslam has created an Excel worksheet for this purpose. He has identified up to 22 places where an OT note may be missing from the KJV module.

In the printed editions, the dagger symbol (U+2020) was used when the margin displayed a more literal Hebrew meaning.
The double vertical line symbol (U+2016) was used to express another way in which the underlying Hebrew could be translated.
The flower punctuation mark (U+2055) was also used in a few places.[11]


  1. Scrivener, F. H. A. ,The Authorized Edition of the English Bible, p. 56.
  2. Performing a sort operation to remove all duplicates reduces the total by 617 to 6342, though some of those removed would not be close to each other before the sort.
  3. cf. There are only 6955 in David's eXperimental module KJVX. 5808 verses and 47 title elements have at least one note.
  4. This page lists 7344 margin notes, which is 1078 fewer than the count by Scrivener!.
  5. I have reported 3 typos in the webpage using the comments facility at the foot of the page.
  6. For 36 of these notes, there is no colon in the note text other than in scripture reference!
  7. The notes text include 91 margin cross-refs. eg. Jeremiah 2:16 broken the crown: Or, feed on thy crown, deut. 33.12 Isai. 8.8
  8. This note marks an error in the source: Matthew 5:15 a bushel: [symbol in wrong place in 1611] the word in the original signifieth a measure containing about a pint less than a peck
  9. Here's another example: 1 Samuel 6:18 great stone: Or, great stone [possibly a mistake in the KJV notes? I verified with 1611 scan]
  10. Notes for canonical Psalm titles are mis-referenced as Psalm N:1, but some of these notes are missing!
  11. These symbols were placed at the start of the "catch word" to mark the beginning of the verse text where each note applied, which could be one or more words.

Cross references

The KJV module currently lacks any cross-references, apart from one or two that happen to be included in the margin notes. There were extensive cross-references in the 1611 first edition, and the same quantity or more in the 1769 Oxford edition. Whereas margin notes used superscripted numerical tags, the cross-references generally used lowercase letters tags, likewise superscripted and usually in italics.

Road map

First we must decide how to markup or correct the observed differences between the present text and the Blayney 1769 Oxford edition.[1]

List briefly the further enhancements we would like to make in the future beyond the next release.

KJV module:

  • Correct the Cambridge spellings to Oxford spellings in accordance with the Blayney text.[2]
  • Undo the "backwards greedy matching" method that was applied when Strong's markup was first implemented.[3]
  • Mark all proper names with the name element[4]; with type person, geographic, nonhuman, holiday, ritual, etc.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]
  • Mark all natural numbers with the proposed new number element; with the numerical value recorded in the n attribute.
  • Use the inscription element to mark text that reports a written inscription.
  • Use the q element to mark all other quotations, making use of a suitable set of who attribute values to identify each speaker.[14][15]
  • Mark the 'salutation text' in the Epistles with the salute element?
  • Mark the 'benedictions' in the Epistles with the seg element and type benediction?
  • Mark the 'sign off text' in the Epistles with the signed element?
  • Mark the closing "Amen." in NT books with the closer element?[16]
  • Mark each 'refrain' in Deut 27:15-25 using the seg element and type refrain?[17][18][19]
  • Mark each 'refrain' in Psalm 136 using the same method.[20][21]
  • Mark the 'canonical colophon' at the end of Job 31:40[22]
  • Mark the 'canonical colophon' in Psalms 72:20[23]
  • Mark the 'canonical colophon' at the end of Habakkuk 3:19[24]
  • Move each note element to the start of its "catch word" in the verse (or title) text.[25][26]

Further thoughts based upon having the Blayney edition:

  • Audit OT notes and make any necessary corrections (e.g. Psalm 119:24,42).
  • Check the case of the initial letter in the first word after the catchWord element.[27][28]
  • Check notes text for added words not in italics (e.g. Job 31:35, 32:14, 33:29).[29]
  • Insert the special note symbols († ‖ ⁕) from Blayney.[30][31][32][33]
  • Identify the OT notes (e.g. Ezra 6:16) that have an abbreviation for Chaldee, and correct accordingly.[34]
  • At least one note had simply "called" rather than "also called" (1 Chronicles 8:29 father of Gibeon: also called Jehiel).
  • Add front-matter: dedicatory and preface, OT intro, NT intro, ....
  • Add any end titles. e.g. The End of the /PROPHETS/. (after Malachi).
  • Add NT chapter summaries.[35]
  • Add OT chapter summaries.[35][36][37]
  • Add xrefs and notes to NT.
  • Add xrefs to OT.[38]

Tentative suggestions:

  • Perform a thorough review of the Strong's Hebrew markup in the OT, identifying any incorrect Strong's numbers or misplaced, missing and/or unwarranted items.[39][40]
  • Add a new <work osisWork="lemma.MT"> to the OSIS header and populate the lemma attribute of every OT w element, after the strong:H0nnnn value, with the corresponding lemma.MT:Hebrew word[s] from the Masoretic Text, recording the original word order by adding the src attribute (like we have in the NT).
  • Enhance the Strong's Hebrew markup to record where the Hebrew Bible has kitev/qere variants.
  • Include an encoded transliteration of the Hebrew words provided in such lemma attributes.[41][42]
  • Use the foreign element to mark text that was transliterated from (e.g.) Aramaic to Greek in the NT.[43]
  • Also tag the Aramaic personal and place names in the NT.
  • Add pronunciation help, e.g. for proper names or to avoid ambiguity for text to speech engines.[44]
  • Add column breaks and page breaks.[45] These would be milestone elements with either type="column" or type="pb".
  • Insert a soft hyphen (U+00AD) into every polysyllabic word that might be split at line-wrap when the module font is large relative to screen or window width.[46][47]
  • Add James Ussher's chronology (found at the top of page margins) as note to chapter starts (probably in first verse or verse 0.)[48]
  • Split KJV into KJV and AV where AV is an orthographic representation of the 1769 KJV.[49]
    i.e. with letters[50]: long ſ and ligatures[51][52][53][54]: œ, ff, fi, fl, ffi, ffl, ſt, st …
  • Decide whether to encode how Blayney used "drop caps" in/for the first word[s] of each chapter.[55]
  • Insert a punctuation space before each colon and semicolon, just as in Blayney?[56]


Details to be reviewed in the light of proposed new OSIS features.
  1. Particularly what we should do with regard to spelling issues, as noted in David's user page Benjamin Blayney's 1769 KJV.
  2. Analysis is well underway. Consult David for details.
  3. Each w element should only enclose the word[s] corresponding to the Strong's number[s]. This would leave a lot more text outside w elements.
  4. OSIS 2.1.1 does not allow a name element within a w element. Marking names must therefore be done outside w elements. This might require that the "backwards greedy matching" be rolled back first. Meanwhile, an alternative approach would be to wrap each name element within a seg element, eg. <w lemma="strong:H05731">in <seg><name type="geographic">Eden</name></seg></w> which does validate.
  5. These proposed name types are not yet finalised. See also Talk:OSIS 211 CR#Classifying_names_in_the_Bible.
  6. For name type="person", it would be useful to define a new OSIS attribute sex="male" or sex="female".
  7. Spelling variants could be associated by means of the regular attribute (e.g. Cedron for Kidron).
  8. Consider using type="x-book" for the names of objects such as 'the book of Jasher'. See Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible.
  9. Suggest use type value x-people-group for names such as 'Hittites', and x-people-group-member for the corresponding singular 'Hittite'.
  10. Suggest use type="x-month" and n="1" to n="13" for the names of the months in the Hebrew calendar.
  11. Suggest include subType="x-possessive" or subType="x-plural". Also to make use of the attribute regular where this is appropriate.
  12. Also need to identify several multi-word names in which a good part of the name is not capitalised.
  13. Names within study notes should also be marked with the name element.
  14. Currently the module only uses <q who="Jesus">...</q> to tag the words of Christ.
  15. The level attribute could be added to every quotation to reflect the nesting of quoted speech.
  16. For some books, the closer element might enclose more than the word "Amen." Also, 3 John doesn't end with "Amen."
  17. i.e. "And all the people shall say, Amen."
  18. This would require an addition to our custom OSIS schema.
  19. Poetry line element l permits type="refrain", but the KJV doesn't use poetry lines.
  20. i.e. "for his mercy endureth for ever."
  21. Likewise for a few other similar verses where this wording is found.
  22. i.e. "The words of Job are ended."
  23. i.e. "The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended."
  24. i.e. "To the chief singer on my stringed instruments."
  25. Currently, all the notes are at the end of the verse. An intermediate step might be to move all notes to the start of the verse.
  26. Undoing the "backwards greedy matching" for Strong's markup would be a necessary prerequisite!
  27. e.g. For such notes, Blayney normally has That is, where the module has mostly : that is, .
  28. Such case discrepancies were already present before we added the catchWord markup.
  29. Such words should be wrapped in the transChange element. The SWORD engine will need to support the "italics inversion" rule, or we should make a CR to OSIS 2.1.1 to allow for the attribute subType="normal"for transChange.
  30. In Blayney, these note symbols are normal case rather than superscript. There is also a space before the symbol as well as after.
  31. One possibility would be to use the milestone element, i.e. <milestone type="x-note" subType="x-dvbs" marker="‖"/> but this is not valid within a w element, so either the "backwards greedy matching" method used for Strong's markup would first need to be undone, or we could make use of the seg element to make it valid, thus: <seg><milestone type="x-note" subType="x-dvbs" marker="‖"/></seg>
  32. Ideally, such symbols should only be displayed while notes are displayed, so the SWORD engine may need to be enhanced to cover this.
  33. An alternative would be to use the appropriate marker attribute in each note element, but that would first require all the notes to be moved from the end of each verse/title.
  34. There are 72 in Blayney, and the abbreviations varied, and included Cald as well as Chal[d][e].
  35. 35.0 35.1 Marking each verse number therein as a hyperlink to the corresponding verse. cf. The AKJV module includes these already, albeit not with such hyperlinks. NB. There are numerous typos in the chapter summaries of the AKJV module so it’s not a very reliable source.
  36. There were never any chapter summaries for Proverbs chapters 11-24 and Haggai chapter 2.
  37. In Psalms, these occur before the canonical Psalm title.
  38. References to DC books should include the attribute editions="KJVA" such that these can be filtered out when making the KJV module without the Apocrypha.
  39. e.g. There are sixteen locations with 4 consecutive Strong's numbers, two of which are quadruple <H03588>.
  40. e.g. Compare our Strong's markup with that of the Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible project.
  41. These could be generated by using diatheke to process an existing Hebrew Bible module using the algorithmic transliteration method of ICU in the Lucene library.
  42. A useful resource is the Hebrew transliteration tool developed by the Hebraist Charles Loder.
  43. Such words are already marked with the attribute morph="robinson:HEB" in the w element.
  44. Part-of-speech tagging can also help to distinguish (e.g.) "lives" as a verb from "lives" as a plural noun.
  45. Tying to the dead-tree edition. There were no page numbers in the Blayney 1769 Oxford Edition.
  46. This set would include all words that were printed with a line-end hyphen in the two-column Blayney edition, but need not be restricted to that set.
  47. Need to confirm that the search features in the SWORD engine would ignore soft hyphens.
  48. Some chapters change the year part way through (e.g. Gen.36).
  49. The existing module already uses the letters Æ and æ.
  50. See, e.g. The Rules for Long S by Andrew West, 2006
  51. Blayney also uses a typographical ligature for the digraphs 'ct', 'sb' & 'sk' but there is no Unicode codepoint for those 3 characters! The ligatures in the Alphabetic Presentation Forms block were encoded for legacy with pre-existing character sets at the start of Unicode. A deliberate decision was later made never to encode any more Latin ligatures, so there is no chance of getting the 'ct', 'sb' & 'sk', etc. ligatures encoded. Please see the Unicode FAQ for further information.
  52. Unicode now considers these sort of ligatures to be a font feature. If you use a suitable font that supports Latin ligatures then you can get them by putting a ZWJ between the two letters to be ligated.
  53. The BabelStone Roman font supports all the common ligatures found in 18th century English typography by inserting ZWJ where required.
  54. Other professional fonts should also support some or all ligatures, but you would need to check.
  55. This is sometimes for only the first two letters of a longer word. Example: Proverbs 19:1 BEtter, where the large letter 'B' drops below the line and displaces the start of the next line, but where the letter 'E' is also a capital.
  56. It's conceivable that the space was built in to the metal type for these and maybe some other punctuation marks. This is probably better done by using a smart-font that spaces these two punctuation marks automatically.

KJVA module:

KJVA is currently was not being rebuilt whenever KJV was updated. It should be.
  • Create the OSIS XML file for just the DC (deuterocanonical) books. Done. David Haslam
  • Add the two prologues to Sirach: one "made by an uncertain Author"; the other "of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach."
  • Add bookGroup title and bookGroup end title.
  • Add the global attribute editions="KJVA" to the main bookGroup div element.
  • Update the book main titles to match those in 1769 KJV.[1]
  • Remove the title type attribute of the Epistle of Jeremy in Baruch 6.
  • Move the main title for EsthAdd to chapter 10 and remove the type attribute.
  • Insert a horizontal ellipsis in the 12 empty verses before EsthAdd.10.4[2][3]
  • Add chapter labels as per 1769 KJV. Use Roman numerals for chapter numbers.
  • Minor corrections to 1Esd.1.42, 1Esd.4.6, 1Esd.4.38, 1Esd.6.1, 1Esd.6.17, 2Esd.1.1, 2Esd.6.23, 2Esd.9.17, 2Esd.9.34, Tob.3.7, Tob.3.10, Tob.6.6, Jdt.7.20, Jdt.16.12, Wis.2.22, Wis.8.7, Wis.14.24, Wis.18.24, Sir.8.1, Sir.14.20, Sir.20.32, Sir.31.26, Sir.33.16, Sir.35.2, Sir.45.10, Sir.46.18, Sir.51.20, Bar.3.2, Bar.6.15, Bar.6.72, PrAzar.1.46, PrMan.1.1, 1Macc.2.41, 1Macc.8.16, 1Macc.9.19, 1Macc.10.88, 1Macc.11.9, 1Macc.14.7, 2Macc.4.1, 2Macc.7.39, 2Macc.14.8, 2Macc.10.15, 2Macc.14.14, 2Macc.15.10
  • Fix some remaining spelling mistakes: e.g. "faithfuless" (Sir.45.3); "Isreal" (2Macc.9.3).
  • Marked all proper names with the name element, though without any attributes. Bipolar names unified.
  • Successfully rebuilt the KJVA module from two XML files (KJV & KJVDC) using the augment flag in osis2mod for the latter.[4]

  • Remove unwanted significant whitespace from kjvdc.xml[5]
  • Correct the Cambridge spellings to Oxford spellings in accordance with the Blayney text.[6]
  • Audit DC books text and markup. Look especially for added words printed in italics.[7][8][9][10]
  • Check a printed edition for any Pilcrows and add them if found.[11]
  • Check the DC books in the 1611 KJV for any extra paragraphs without a pilcrow.[12]
  • Add DC study notes. There are none in the existing module!
  • Add DC chapter descriptions. Restore pilcrows corresponding to verses tagged therein.[13]
  • Add DC xrefs. cf. Blayney's Bible included DC xrefs in the PC (protocanonical) OT & NT books.
  • Mark each 'refrain' in PrAzar.1.35-68 (aka the Benedicite) using the seg element and type refrain?[14][15]


  1. Two books (Susanna & Bel) had text between the title and chapter 1.
  2. This avoids navigation issues in front-ends such as Xiphos.
  3. A simple valid alternative for each empty verse would be to use a self-closing w element, <w/>.
  4. An alternative would be to combine the two files kjv.xml and kjvdc.xml into one file kjva.xml by means of a suitable shell script.
  5. This was caused by applying pretty print - indent only - to the whole file. Fortunately, the unwanted whitespace appears only at the end of each verse.
  6. Analysis is well underway. Consult David for details.
  7. There are only 36 instances in the DC books that use the transChange element.
  8. Recent research found that Blayney simply had square brackets for each of those 36 instances, but that he had words in italics in many other places. Further research is required to list all such locations.
  9. In the original KJV 1611 words added were printed in smaller Roman type to contrast with the normal text in Gothic type.
  10. Examples: "blessed is" (Wis.3.14); "to take him away," (Wis.4.14); "aright" (Wis.8.8); "the fruit of" (Wis.10.10); "As namely" (Wis.19.7); "Sodomites" (Wis.19.14).
  11. KJV 1611 had Pilcrows in 1Esd.2.8, 3.13, 4.13, 8.22,25; 2Esd.6.11; 1Macc.6.43,48, 9.23
  12. These could be marked as milestone type="x-extra-p".
  13. Verse numbers in these descriptions rarely coincide with a Pilcrow at the start of the verse.
  14. i.e. "praise and exalt him above all for ever"
  15. NB. The final punctuation mark in each line of the Benedicite varies between comma and full-stop.


Text development stages

From the time the KJV module was first released, text and markup development has been done in several major stages:

  • The original KJV2003 Project – user page no longer exists
  • The KJV2006 Project
  • The KJV2011 Effort
  • The KJV 2.6 Effort – begun in 2013 and ongoing...
  • The KJV project is now hosted by CrossWire on GitLab in 2023 for KJV 2.11 and onwards

Module versions

While the KJV was a module at CrossWire prior to version 2.0, this is the earliest for which dates can be determined.
Dates prior to version 2.3 are best estimates. (For changes in versions 1.x, refer to the file kjv.conf)
The revision from 2.6 onward is a link to the released source (where available).
It is preferred that both modules KJV & KJVA should henceforth have the same version number.[1]

Revision Date Description
3.3 ? Yet to prepare Improve the OSIS markup. Minor textual changes to notes and titles.
3.2 ? Being prepared[2] Improve the OSIS markup. Minor textual changes to notes and titles.

Details[3][4]: (with progress marker)

  • Update our custom OSIS schema to properly validate type values in rdg element, etc.
  • Move sID before osisID in each verse start element.
  • Move morph to after lemma in each w element (in the OT).[5]
  • Add a final full-stop to all notes previously lacking one.
  • Fix the punctuation after a few instances of " etc".
  • Mark all the abbreviations for "etc.", "LXX", "Gr." & "Heb." found in notes using the abbr element.
  • Add a space after the ¶ in the pilcrow milestone markers.
  • Add the hitherto missing pilcrows ¶ in NT books: Romans—Revelation.
  • Change red pilcrows ¶ to black (i.e. within text marked as "words of Jesus")
  • Wherever the divineName element is within text wrapped by the transChange element, insert the attribute type="x-added" to the former, so that the 13 such instances can be readily found.
  • Make minor corrections to a few notes.
  • Add the comma after ": or" and ": that is" that was missing from some notes.
  • Improve markup for colophon div in each Pauline epistle.
  • Add osisID to the canonical Psalm titles.
  • Add bookGroup div elements for OT & NT.[6]
  • Add majorSection div elements for the five books in the Psalter (but without titles)
  • Remove the redundant chapterTitle attribute from the chapter element.
  • Make canonical the first attribute in div & title elements. They line up better!
  • Mark up the title element for each chapter & psalm to to match the Blayney edition.
  • Use Roman numerals for chapter & psalm numbers.
  • Update Words of Christ (red letter markup) to match Louis Klopsch's 1901 edition.
  • Update the 66 book titles to match those in the Blayney edition (including a final full-stop).
  • Move 47 notes from Psalms verse 1 to the canonical title element.
  • Minor corrections to two Psalm titles.
  • Updated the osisID for each canonical Psalm title.
  • Add osisRef to each catchWord element in the study notes, using the @s fine-grain operator.
  • Add osisID & n attributes to each note element.
  • Insert file history in the OSIS header using the revisionDesc element (for KJV 2.0 to 3.1).[7]
  • Rearrange the source XML for improved readability while preserving significant whitespace.[8]

  • Move type to before subType in each milestone element.
  • Move src to before lemma in each w element.
  • Add some few notes missing from the OT (less than 22).
  • Identify and fix the notes for which the catchWord text doesn't properly match the verse text (e.g. Job.8.20).[9]
  • Check the notes order for verses with multiple notes.[10]
  • Review notes not found in the 1611 by comparison with the list from SB.
  • Pad all Strong's numbers with leading zeros to 5 digits for Hebrew and 4 digits for Greek?[11]
  • Review and further update conf file where required.
3.1 2023-07-19 Several textual/markup corrections.

Details: (with links to tracker where appropriate)

  • Move a misplaced question mark at the end of Numbers 16:13 to after the w element.
  • Correct rdg attribute type="alternative" (2.9) to "alternate".[12]
  • Update Strong's numbers and lemma.TR to the latest TR from Maurice Robinson.[13][14][15]
  • Update Words of Christ (red letter markup) to match Louis Klopsch's 1901 edition.
  • Correction of Ps.2.4: the Lord → the <divineName>Lord</divineName>.
  • MOD-448: many errors with strong G3688, changed to G3588.
  • Five locations where small-caps was inappropriate for the divine name <divineName>Lord</divineName> change for <divineName>LORD</divineName> Exodus 28:36, Exodus 39:30, Deuteronomy 28:58, Jeremiah 23:6, Zechariah 14:20.
  • MOD-411: capitalization in title of Psalm 80, Shoshannim–eduth → Shoshannim–Eduth.
  • MOD-408: italics in Nahum 1:3, (<w lemma=strong:H01870>hath his way</w>) → (<transChange type=added>hath</transChange> <w lemma=strong:H01870>his way</w>).
  • MOD-358: Missing red letter markup in Luke 11:2, red marker moved before 'When'.
  • MOD-413: multiple text issues (italics, spelling, ...).
  • MOD-441: Missing strong number for the seventh word (dead) in 1 Corinthians 15:35.
  • MOD-419: Spurious "or" removed from Joshua 19:2.
  • Exodus 17:15 had "Jehovah–nissi" but Blayney has "JEHOVAH–nissi" (all caps – not small-caps).[16]
  • 1 John 2:23 had "(but)" whereas Blayney has "[but]" though the brackets are not with italics!
  • Fix the duplication of "exceeding abundantly " in Ephesians 3:20.
  • Remove a spurious comma in Genesis 1:2 and 2:9 that are absent in Blayney.
  • MOD-453 comment Correct the markup in in Ezra 5:3,6; 6.6,13 for the word Tatnai.[17]
  • Corrected the spelling for Zaccheus and Cesar / Cesarea to match that in Blayney.
  • Corrected the several other names that had either æ or Æ to use e or E – the one exception in Blayney being Ænon.
2.10.2 2021-04-04 Emergency update[18] to fix errant article Strong's markup in Romans 3:26
2.9 2016-01-21 Improved OSIS markup.


  • Added catchWord and reading (rdg) markup to notes.
  • Improved markup placement for Selah in 13 places.
2.8 2015-12-20 Improved OSIS markup.


  • Moved Ps 119 acrostic titles before verse number.
  • Changed double spaces to a single space.
  • Changed "Heb " to "Heb. " in notes.
  • Added Feature=NoParagraphs.
2.7 2015-08-09 Fixed bugs preventing the display of some Strong's Numbers in the Old Testament.
Improved markup of Strong's numbers in 2 Cor 15.
2.6.1 2014-02-15 Added GlobalOptionFilter for OSISLemma
2.6 2013-10-05 Fixed bugs. Added Greek from TR.
2.5 2013-02-02 Fixed bugs. See: KJV2011


  • Fixed markup of added words.
  • Fixed more Words of Christ markup.
  • Fixed punctuation, apostrophes, dashes and placement of spaces.
  • Fixed the markup of a word that was split into two parts.
  • Other bug fixes.
2.4 2009-05-29 Fixed bugs. Updated red-letter markup of Words of Christ.
2.3 2006-10-09 Fixed bugs. See: Project KJV2006


  • Faithful representation of the KJV.
  • Each book of the Bible is well-formed xml.
  • Each book of the Bible is valid OSIS xml according to the 2.1.1 schema.
  • The markup conforms to OSIS best practices as mentioned on the Sword-devel mailing list and the OSIS 2.1.1 user's manual
  • Strong's markup normalized.


  • The xml is now well-formed.
  • The xml is now valid OSIS 2.1.1
  • Strong's numbers have been normalized.
  • Fixed the missing 's in the OT
  • Moved whitespace and punctuation to a more sensible location and fixed whitespace problems.
  • Positioned the pilcrow symbol ¶ at the start of verses.
  • Validated against Old Scofield Study Bible for all differences found by comparing against
(a) the KJV encoded by Tim Lanfear for CCEL.
(b) the KJV encoded Interleaf Bible.
  • Fixed all existing titles and added missing ones.
  • Fixed paragraphing
  • Tagged all inscriptions
  • Fixed and tagged all divine names
  • Added xlit to w elements for the acrostic in Psalm 119
  • Hyphenated names
  • Fixed names with the letter Æ and æ[19]
  • Fixed a bug in osis2mod that incorrectly encoded the last verse of each book
  • Removed Strong's number H00 as it does not exist.
2.2 2004-07-25 Updated to 20040121 snapshot of KJV2003.
2.1 2003-06-24 Changed Old Testament to use OSIS tags, removing the last of the GBF markup.
Also updated to 20030624 snapshot of KJV2003. Compressed.
2.0 2003-01-08 Changed New Testament to use a snapshot of the KJV2003 Project


  1. Therefore the KJV release after version 2.10.2 jumped straight to 3.1 - missing out 3.0 - as the KJVA module was made from the same XML file[s]. KJVA is currently version 3.1 also.
  2. The changes were overtaken by the release of v3.1. It would therefore be necessary to re-implement them from that later starting point.
  3. Many of these changes were being implemented (in an unreleased eXperimental KJVX module) by David Haslam in 2014 onwards and were discussed with DM Smith at the time.
  4. That was then known in-house as KJVX version 2.10 being before the release of the unrelated version 2.10.2
  5. The lemma attribute is the one that specifies Strong's numbers. This is merely to be consistent in both testaments.
  6. cf. The deuterocanonical books for the KJVA module are already wrapped within such a bookGroup div for DC.
  7. Excludes details of conf file updates.
  8. On 2023-06-15, David Haslam designed a special TextPipe filter that achieves this goal. It can be applied to any XML file.
    For OSIS files, it also removes unwanted whitespace just before a verse eID milestone.
  9. User:Dmsmith/KJV_2.6#Unmatched catchWord text, KJV 3.2 (if possible)
  10. Not required if we move each note to before its catchWord text.
  11. Then the displayed numeric codes would match the entries in Xiphos dictionary module StrongsRealHebrew. Module StrongsRealGreek is padded to 5 digits yet module ESV_th has 4 digits for Greek.
  12. This was to fix a minor but systematic mistake that DFH made in 2016 that is hitherto not detected by OSIS validation.
  13. This was received on or before 2016-02-07. A total of 5888 verses had at least one detailed change; these changes were located in 1494 different contiguous verse groups. In addition to corrections to Strong's numbers and/or morph entries, there were also a few character level corrections in some Greek words.
  14. As a side benefit, update CrossWire's TR module to match.
  15. This was implemented by merging the updates from KJV 2.9a.
  16. Albeit "Jehovah–jireh" in Genesis 22:14 and "Jehovah–shalom" in Judges 6:24 are both with title case in Blayney.
  17. Replace <w morph="strongMorph:TH8674"> by <w lemma="strong:H8674">
  18. This was an out of band release by CrossWire's founder. Source text was to be updated.
  19. It was later reported that two names in the NT are exceptions to using either ae or æZaccheus and Cesar are the spellings in the Blayney 1769 edition. These are being corrected in version 3.1


Use this section to record any reported or discovered errors for either KJV or KJVA module.

Textual errata

Errata in Blayney

These observations have been gleaned from an online discussion thread within a public group on Facebook called Textus Receptus Academy:

Today's post-1900 KJV editions are not the 1769 Oxford edition. The 1769 Oxford edition was not free from any man-made error. The 1769 Oxford edition actually introduced some new man-made errors into KJV editions. For one example, the printer or typesetter introduced an error at Exodus 6:21 "Zithri" [taken from the last word of Exodus 6:22] instead of "Zichri", and that new printing error remained uncorrected in most Cambridge and Oxford editions of the KJV for over 100 years. The 1873 Cambridge edition by Scrivener would correct this error. There were other man-made errors in the 1769 Oxford edition of the KJV.
T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule observed that the 1769 edition "contains many misprints, probably more than 'the commonly estimated number of 116‘" (Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scriptures, I, p. 294).
The Cyclopaedia of Literary and Scientific Anecdote edited by William Keddie asserted: “What is in England called the Standard Bible is that printed at Oxford, in 1769, which was superintended by Dr. Blayney; yet it has been ascertained that there are at least one hundred and sixteen errors in it” (p. 189). The Cambridge History of the Bible noted that Blayney’s edition “was indeed erroneous in many places” (Vol. 3, p. 464). David Daniell also asserted that the 1769 Oxford standard KJV edition included “many errors,” and that it repeated “most of Dr. Paris’s errors” (Bible in English, pp. 606, 620). Before a committee of Parliament, Adam Thomson stated: “Dr. Blayney’s edition itself is very incorrect; the errors are both numerous and important” (Reports from Committees, Vol. XXII, p. 42). In an overstatement at least concerning omissions, William Loftie asserted that “Blayney’s folio of 1769” “abounds in omissions and misprints: yet this is still considered a standard edition” (Century of Bibles, p. 21).
In around 90 places, the 1769 Oxford edition has "LORD" [Jehovah] while most present KJV editions [besides The Companion Bible and perhaps a few others] have "Lord." This is a list of those places: [Gen. 18:27, Gen. 18:30, Gen. 18:31, Gen. 18:32, Gen. 20:4, Exod. 15:17, Exod. 34:9, Num. 14:17, Josh. 3:11, Jud. 13:8, 1 Kings 3:10, 1 Kings 22:6, 2 Kings 7:6, 2 Kings 19:23, Neh. 1:11, Neh. 4:14, Neh. 8:10, Job 28:28, Ps. 2:4, Ps. 22:30, Ps. 35:17, Ps. 35:22, Ps. 37:13, Ps. 38:9, Ps. 38:15, Ps. 38:22, Ps. 39:7, Ps. 40:17, Ps. 44:23, Ps. 51:15, Ps. 54:4, Ps. 55:9, Ps. 57:9, Ps. 59:11, Ps. 62:12, Ps. 66:18, Ps. 68:11, Ps. 68:17, Ps. 68:19, Ps. 68:22, Ps. 68:32, Ps. 77:2, Ps. 77:7, Ps. 78:65, Ps. 79:12, Ps. 86:3, Ps. 86:4, Ps. 86:5, Ps. 86:8, Ps. 86:9, Ps. 86:12, Ps. 86:15, Ps. 89:49, Ps. 89:50, Ps. 97:5, Ps. 110:5, Ps. 114:7, Ps. 130:2, Ps. 130:3, Ps. 130:6, Ps. 135:5, Ps. 136:3, Ps. 140:7, Ps. 141:8, Ps. 147:5, Isa. 3:17, Isa. 3:18, Isa. 4:4, Isa. 9:8, Isa. 9:17, Isa. 11:11, Isa. 21:6, Isa. 21:16, Lam. 1:14, Lam. 1:15, Lam. 2:1, Lam. 2:5, Lam. 2:7, Lam. 2:20, Lam. 3:31, Lam. 3:36, Lam. 3:37, Lam. 3:58, Ezek. 18:25, Ezek. 18:29, Zech. 4:14, Zech. 6:5, Zech. 9:4, Mal. 1:14, Mal. 3:1].
At four verses, the 1769 Oxford has “Lord” where present KJV editions have “LORD” [Gen. 30:30, Deut. 29:23, Jud. 2:23, Jer. 7:4]. The 1769 Oxford has “LORD God” where most present KJV editions have “Lord GOD” at some verses [Exod. 23:17, Exod. 34:23, 2 Sam. 7:18, 2 Sam. 7:19, 2 Sam. 7:20, 2 Sam. 7:28, Isa. 56:8]. At Daniel 9:3, the 1769 Oxford has “Lord GOD” instead of “Lord God” that is in most present KJV editions. The 1769 Oxford has “Lord God” at seven verses where present KJV editions have “Lord GOD” [Jud. 6:22, Isa. 3:15, Isa. 61:1, Ezek. 16:23, Ezek. 23:35, Ezek. 32:11, Ezek. 45:9]. The 1769 Oxford has “LORD GOD” at one verse [Amos 6:8].
The 1769 Oxford still has “God” at 2 Samuel 12:22 instead of “GOD.” This change to indicate that the Hebrew has the name Jehovah was not introduced into KJV editions until the 1829 Oxford edition. This correction was made over 50 years after 1769.
Other places where the 1769 Oxford edition would differ from most present KJV editions include the following Old Testament examples: “Heman” (Gen. 36:22), “thy progenitors” (Gen. 49:26), “Zithri” (Exod. 6:21), “travel’ (Num. 20:14), “brakedst” (Deut. 10:2), “thy tithe“ (Deut. 12:17), “thy earth” (Deut. 12:19), “the widow’s” (Deut. 24:17), “Beer-sheba, Sheba” (Josh. 19:2), “children of Gilead” (Jud. 11:7), “all the coast” (Jud. 19:29), “in a straight“ (1 Sam. 13:6), “Shimei“ (1 Chron. 6:30), “whom God alone” (1 Chron. 29:1), “on the pillars” (2 Chron. 4:12), “thy companions’ (Job 41:6), “unto me“ (Ps. 18:47), “my foot” (Ps. 31:8), “feared” (Ps. 60:4), “in the presence” (Ps. 68:2), “part“ (Ps. 78:66), “When there were” (Ps. 105:12), “gates of iron” (Ps. 107:16), “the latter end” (Prov. 19:20), “riches, honour” (Prov. 22:4), “king of Jerusalem” (Eccl. 1:1), “gone to” (Isa. 15:2), “travel‘ (Lam. 3:5), “a brier” (Micah 7:4), and “mighty is spoiled” (Zech. 11:2).
In the New Testament, examples include “And in the same” (Luke 7:21), “ye enter not” (Luke 11:52), “lifted“ (Luke 16:23), “and the truth” (John 14:6), “the names” (Acts 1:15), “Now if do” (Rom. 7:20), “not in unbelief” (Rom. 11:23), “the earth” (1 Cor. 4:13), “was done“ (2 Cor. 3:11), “about” (2 Cor. 12:2), “you were inferior” (2 Cor. 12:13), “those who” (Gal. 2:6), “the holy apostles” (Eph. 3:5), “broidered” (1 Tim. 2:9), “sprinkled likewise” (Heb. 9:21), “our joy” (1 John 1:4), and several missing words at Revelation 18:22.
Several of these renderings were introduced in the 1769 Oxford while some were kept from earlier KJV editions. For example, “king of Jerusalem” (Eccl. 1:1) was in the standard 1629 and 1638 Cambridge editions while “and the truth” (John 14:6) was in the 1638 Cambridge. Some of them may have been intentional editing decisions while others may have been unintentionally introduced by the typesetters/printers.
The added links are mine, not part of the cited thread. David Haslam (talk)


Include any new issues here

KJVA (DC books)

  • Judith 10:1 Now after that she had ceased to cry unto the God of Israel, and bad made an end of all these words.
    The highlighted word should be 'had'. David Haslam (talk)
Fixed in KJVA v3.1 David Haslam (talk)

Margin notes errata

A thorough review of the notes in the KJV Old Testament is required.

Include any further new issues below in this section.

  • In Job 40:15, the margin note tagged for behemoth reads: Or, the elephant as some think
cf. The KJV module v3.1 currently has: behemoth: probably an extinct animal of some kind

Strong's numbers errata

Include any new issues here.

  • There are 108[1] Strong's Greek numbers[2] missing.
  • It was thought that there were no Strong's Hebrew numbers missing.[3]
  • A study has begun to compare the Strong's Hebrew numbers of the KJV with those of the OSHB. See issue #31
  • A further study has begun to compare the Strong's Hebrew numbers of the KJV with those of the THOT module available from STEP Bible.
  • In I Kings 4:13, the two numbers for Ramoth–gilead are in the wrong order compared to the other 18 instances.


  1. This figure now excludes the 100 consecutive numbers from G3203 to G3302 that were not present even in the first edition of Strong's Concordance.
  2. These are listed in the Talk page.
  3. It's since been reported that H05048 is missing from Obadiah 1:11

Morphology errata

Include any new issues here.

Should all the strongMorph:THnnnn codes be removed from the OT in the KJV module?[1] David Haslam (talk)


  1. There is no strongMorph dictionary module for Hebrew Morphology. There are 135 unique strongMorph:THnnnn codes but I know of no dictionary or other database that these numeric codes TH8675 through TH8809 might map to.

See also

Hebrew calendar

KJV words include the names of the months in the Hebrew calendar.

Biblical lists

This might be useful. There are other similar lists in the same category.


  1. The OSIS User Manual has no defined markup for animals, plants and precious stones.
  2. For names and places, the name element with type="person" or "geographic" is already defined.
  3. The other defined name type attribute values are "holiday", "nonhuman", "ritual".
  4. These need to be extended. See Talk:OSIS 211 CR#Classifying_names_in_the_Bible.

External links


  1. Benjamin Blayney, ed., Holy Bible: Standard Text, Oxford University Press, 1769. Printed by T. Wright and W. Gill, printers to the University.
  2. This is a scanned facsimile with 766 pages online. Vol 1 includes Genesis through Jeremiah, as well as the Preface, etc. The preview shows individual pages as JPG images, but there's a link below each such image to the complete Original PDF file.