Tutorials:SWORD 101
From CrossWire Bible Society
____________________ *Publisher's Document* / Chaos and Unrest / ____________________ | osis2mod v ____________________ *SWORD Storage* / Unrest / Markup normalized Document partitioned into user-referencable, tasty bite-sized chunks ____________________ | option filters v ____________________ *Stage 1 Processed* / Some Rest / Entity focused classes each have processed their 'concept': notes, lemma, crossref, etc. Interesting attributes registered to EntryAttributes map Some editorial decisions made, like removing inlining of notes, pre-verse headers Features turned on or off based on user preference ____________________ | render filters V ____________________ *HTML output* / Peace and Tranquility / Markup converted to HTML Where inlining was removed, the residual marker tags now have direct pointers back to their EntryAttributes section enabling the frontend to do what they'd like on events like hover-over ____________________
- NB: There are additional stages of processing: encoding stage, decipher stage, strip/normalize for search stage, etc., but this is a 100 level course.