Official and Affiliated Module Repositories
The Repository directory has to be specified for the Install Manager in the SWORD Project for Windows, which uses FTP access. Likewise for the other front-ends based on the SWORD API.
The Catalog & ZIP directories have to be specified for the JSword based installer (e.g. as used for Bible Desktop), which uses HTTP access.
The 'Site Name' field is just a convenient name for managing/selecting repositories. Users may edit these without any loss of functionality, as long as they ensure that each is uniquely and appropriately named.
CrossWire maintains a Master Repositories List (filename: masterRepoList.conf) which is accessed by most front-end applications. Some front-ends require a refresh operation to ensure that the latest edition of the MRL is installed. The MRL includes some but not all of CrossWire repositories and some of the Affiliated repositories.
Some front-end apps (e.g. PocketSword) permit the manual addition of an FTP source though the Download UI.
Some front-end apps (e.g. Xiphos) also permit the manual addition of an HTTP source via the Module Manager UI.
CrossWire Bible Society
Released modules
Official module repository from CrossWire Bible Society. This is included in the Master Repositories List. It now includes modules with Alternate Versifications.
Site Name: CrossWire Bible Society (main) Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword/raw/
Catalog Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/sword/raw ZIP Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/sword/packages/rawzip
Module Attic
Official module repository from CrossWire Bible Society for the previous version of released modules. Look here if you have updated to a new version of a module, discover that there are bugs or errors, and want to downgrade. This is not included in the Master Repositories List.
Site Name: CrossWire Attic Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword/atticraw/
Modules for Beta testing
This is included in the Master Repositories List. Please test these modules and report your findings by email to - Beta modules should be validated before being transferred to the main CrossWire repository.
Site Name: CrossWire Beta Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword/betaraw
Catalog Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/sword/betaraw ZIP Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/sword/betapackages/rawzip
CrossWire Wycliffe
The 43 modules from WBTI & BL that were formerly kept in CrossWire Beta have been moved to a separate repository. This is included in the Master Repositories List.
Site Name: CrossWire Wycliffe Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword/wyclifferaw
- Many of these translations are now available online at Bible Search hosted by the American Bible Society.
Experimental modules
These experimental modules are primarily intended for front-end developers. They require new features not supported by some front-end applications. This repository is not included in the Master Repositories List.
Site Name: CrossWire Experimental Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword/experimentalraw
Included in this repository are a number of empty test modules - one for each Alternate Versification.
Lockman Foundation
We have at last been granted permission to distribute these 3 modules from the Lockman Foundation:
- New American Standard Bible (NASB)
- Nueva Biblia de las Américas (NBLA)
- La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA)
Additionally, a gracious gift from Lockman, they have granted permission for CrossWire to distribute all 3 of these modules unlocked, for free.
The MRL has been updated to add a repository for the Lockman Foundation modules hosted on the CrossWire server.
Site Name: Lockman Foundation Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword/lockmanraw
Catalog Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/sword/lockmanraw ZIP Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/sword/lockmanpackages
Affiliated Repositories
Other Bible agencies
Any bona fide Bible agency may set up and maintain their own modules repository. Providing the agency adheres to orthodox Christian doctrine (i.e. not a cult!), a request for such a repository to be added to the Master Repostories List will be seriously considered by CrossWire.
Home of the New English Translation. This is included in the Master Repositories List.
Site Name: NET ( Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /sword
Catalog Directory: /sword/raw ZIP Directory: /sword/packages/rawzip
A number of random creations, including a fair number of dictionary, map and image modules: Tischendorf8 Greek NT, Hodge's Systematic Theology, and others. Daily Devotionals include BibleCompanion, MCheyne, OneYearRead. This is included in the Master Repositories List.
Site Name: Xiphos Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: .
Catalog Directory: /sword ZIP Directory: /sword/zip
This repository is maintained by the developer of the Xiphos Bible study app for Linux & Windows.
Institute for Bible Translation
The Institute for Bible Translation has a SWORD repository. This is included in the Master Repositories List.
Site Name: IBT Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/modsword/raw
Catalog Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/modsword/raw ZIP Directory: /ftpmirror/pub/modsword/rawzip
The Institute for Bible Translation provides a number of Bible translations in various languages of Central Asia and the CIS. Alongside these translations are modules for English, Russian, Ukrainian and the original Bible languages (Hebrew & Greek). Further modules are in preparation. Several of the translations have linked dictionary modules.
This repository is maintained by the developer of the Holy Bible study app for Windows, Linux, and Firefox.
This repository maintained by Michael Paul Johnson provides access to more than 1200 Bible modules in more than 600 languages. This is included in the Master Repository List.
FTP access:
Site Name: Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword Catalog Directory: /pub/sword ZIP Directory: /pub/sword/zip
HTTP access:
Site Name: Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /sword Catalog Directory: /sword ZIP Directory: /sword/zip
STEP Bible
The Tyndale House STEPBible Data Repository hosts data created for originated by Tyndale House Cambridge with a CC BY 4.0 license.
One of the datasets hosted is Bible modules for OSIS Sword software Bibles in the same format as CrossWire modules which can be used in any SWORD-compatible software. Currently, this only contains a small number of modules, but is set to grow in future. In February 2021, a proper SWORD repository has been set up. This is now included in the CrossWire MRL.[1]
Site Name: STEP Bible Site Machine Name: Repository Directory: /pub/sword
Catalog Directory: /pub/sword ZIP Directory: /pub/sword/zip
The STEP Bible app is built using a fork of the JSword API.
AndBible Extra
The AndBible Extra repository contains the free modules from the Xiphos repository. [2]
- Jump up ↑ It was added in March 2024.
- Jump up ↑ The Xiphos repository was incompatible with AndBible (it's FTP only but AB is HTTPS only) so this was made to serve those modules to AndBible users.