From CrossWire Bible Society
Bug/Request Tracking
If you have encountered a reproducible programme crash, we are grateful for any kind of information which will allow us to pinpoint the exact reasons. Please copy all error messages, if possible, run the programme from the commandline and copy the output from there, while reproducing the crash and consider using the following instructions: Program Crash
If you don't see the relevant project issues tracker further below, then look for it in
For convenience, here is our list of trackers.
- Bible Desktop (BD)
- BibleCS (BCS)[1]
- Eloquent (MACSW)
- Eloquent for iPad (ELOIPAD)
- Flashcards (FC)
- JSword (JS)
- Module Tools (MODTOOLS)
- Modules (MOD)
- PocketSword (PS)
- Prose (PROS)
- QPSword (QPS)
- SwordReader (SR)
- SwordWeb (SWEB)
- Tyndale STEP (TYNSTEP)[2]
- Virtual Manuscript Room Collaborative Research Environment (VMRCRE)
- Website Prose (PROS)
- Jump up ↑ BibleCS is the in-house name for The SWORD Project for Windows
- Jump up ↑ This is no longer in use - instead visit STEPBible
Report issues for the SWORD API here:
Report text and/or markup issues here: (only for modules in the main or av11n CrossWire repositories)
Front-end applications
- Please update the link here if you have migrated your project. Please add a link here for new projects.
Each project has its own reporting mechanism. Here are a few: