DevTools:Text Editors
From CrossWire Bible Society
This page is to help new developers get started. It lists various Unicode compliant text editors that we have found useful for different operating systems. Inclusion here does not mean that we unequivocally endorse all aspects of the program.
[hide]USFM Editor
- Bibledit is a open source multiplatform collaborative USFM editor, useful for correcting USFM Bible source texts
Multi OS
- GNU Emacs – an extensible, customizable text editor—and more.
- XML Copy Editor – Windows & Linux
- Gobby – a free collaborative editor supporting multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat. It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like platforms.
- jEdit Runs on any operating system with a Java SE installed. Powerful programming editor
- Notepad++ – an open source editor based on Scintilla.[1][2] The source code is now on Github.
- Jump up ↑ Scintilla does not properly support right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew. While text in these languages may appear correct, it is not possible to interact with this text as is normal with other editing components.
- Jump up ↑ The XMLTools plugin facilitates checking XML syntax and validation, e.g. to an external schema such as for OSIS. XMLTools also has various options to "pretty print" and linarize (sic) the XML.