From CrossWire Bible Society
Revision as of 11:31, 9 August 2008 by Jovanni (talk | contribs) (missing verses are not really missing.)
Missing verses
* Num.15.4 * 1Chr.16.12 * Ps.49.8 58.4 63.5 65.2 76.8 89.50 105.5 106.21 Ps.130-Ps.139 * Prov.26.18 Prov.30-31 * Isa.4.3 * Matt.25-28 * John.19 * Rom.1.9 2.19 Rom.10 16.25 * 2Cor.13.14
are not really missing. In JapKougo , the combination of Num.15.4 and Num.15.5 are translated into one verse. Current "Num.15.5" is actually "Num.15.4 Num.15.5".