This page is for recording potential change requests to the OSIS XML schema.
OSIS 2.1.1 Change Requests
The Society of Biblical Literature conference in November 2011 provides a potential opportunity for a decision making meeting. Therefore anyone with an outstanding OSIS bug report or feature proposal for consideration for inclusion into an updated OSIS schema, please write a very concise change request here in this page, including motivating use case.
osisGenRegex bug
Currently that regex looks like [1], but it should looks like [2]:
[1] ((((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)(\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_))*:)?([^:\s])+) [2] ((((\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)(\.(\p{L}|\p{N}|_)+)*:)?([^:\s])+) (missing + right here ^)
So our document with the following element isn't valid because the string "Strong" cannot be more than 1 character long in the current schema: <w morph="robinson:N-NSF" lemma="lemma.Strong:βίβλος">βίβλος</w> --Osk 19:48, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
Feature requests
Allow <transChange> within <w>
An encoder ought to be allowed to put <transChange> on elements smaller than an orthographic word. If I'm translating an instance of "λόγος", but for some reason I believe that I should translate it as "words", I ought to be able to encode <w>word<transChange>s</transChange></w>. --Osk 19:48, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
Add an element for morphology within <w>
Necessary for encoding documents like MORPH (WLC + morphology), we need an element to embed within <w> to carry lexical information. I suggest calling it <m> and giving it all of the attributes found on <w>. --Osk 19:48, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
Allow <transChange> within <hi>
A highlighted sentence or part of a sentence is a unit, including any transChange parts of it. At the moment a highlighted sentence with a transChange will look like this: <hi type="bold"> Texttexttext </hi><transChange><hi type="bold"> moreText</hi></transChange><hi type="bold"> TextText</hi> <hi type="bold"> Texttexttext <transChange>moreText</transChange> TextText</hi>
This would look cleaner and would be also closer to what is meant. refdoc:talk 16:02, 3 August 2011 (MDT)
Allow <transChange> within <note>
When translating an alternate Greek version of a passage, added words need to be indicated.
Allow remote header reference
When serving short passages via web services, as valid OSIS documents, a full header is obtrusive. Also, in a collection of related documents, for example separate book files for a Bible, one centralized header would be more maintainable. The simplest approach would probably be to allow @href on the header element, to abstract some or all of the header content.
Improve Ketiv/Qere markup
A ketiv or qere can consist of one or more words, and so need to be grouped and related to one another. I propose adding <ketiv> with @id, and <qere> with @idref, to contain the content (<w> elements) and allow validation of the connection. A qere with no ketiv could be marked up without the @idref.
Milestonable <p>
For documents where the primary structure is book, chapter, verse, like the Authorized Version or the Hebrew Bible, we should be able to mark up paragraphs as milestones. This would allow for equality, rather than making book, section, paragraph a privileged system.
Quotation types
From the manual (p. 43): "The rendering for quotations marks after an interruption, for example, can be distinguished using the type attribute on this element, with values such as initial, medial, and final." Please make these @type values official: initial, medial, and final.