OSIS Genbooks
From CrossWire Bible Society
Example OSIS Genbook
The following is the text of a valid OSIS XML file which serves as a template for an OSIS Genbook for SWORD. Not all possible features are demonstrated here, but the file serves as an example of how to encode a Genbook. You should be able to copy the contents to a text editor, save it to a file as *.xml, and validate it against the OSIS schema.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osis xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace http://www.bibletechnologies.net/osisCore.2.1.1.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace"> <osisText osisRefWork="book" xml:lang="en" osisIDWork="WorkID"> <header> <work osisWork="WorkID"> <title>OSISGenbook</title> <creator role="aut"/> </work> <work osisWork="Bible"> <refSystem>Bible</refSystem> </work> </header> <div type="book" osisID="Book Title"> <title>Book Title</title> <title type="x-author">Author's Name</title> <p>Copyright</p> <p> <figure src="images/crosswire.jpg"/> </p> <div type="chapter" osisID="Chapter 1"> <p>This is Chapter 1, the introduction. <reference osisRef="Gen.1.1">Genesis 1:1</reference> is the first verse in the Bible. <reference osisRef="Rev.22.21">Rev 22:21</reference> is the last verse in the Bible. <reference osisRef="Ps.119">Psalm 119</reference> is the longest chapter in the Bible. <reference osisRef="Prov.1-Prov.9">Proverbs 1-9</reference> introduce the book of Proverbs. <reference osisRef="John.1-John.1.18">John 1:1-18</reference> introduces the book of John. <reference osisRef="2Cor.6.14-2Cor.7.1">2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1</reference> teaches about holiness. </p> <div type="section"> <title>Section 1</title> <p>This is chapter 1, section 1.</p> <table> <row> <cell> <hi type="bold">Column 1 Label</hi> </cell> <cell> <hi type="bold">Column 2 Label</hi> </cell> </row> <row> <cell>Column 1, Row 1</cell> <cell>Column 2, Row 1</cell> </row> <row> <cell>Column 1, Row 2</cell> <cell>Column 2, Row 2</cell> </row> </table> </div> <div type="section"> <title>Section 2</title> <p>This is chapter 1, section 2.<note type="x-footnote" n="1">Footnote</note> </p> </div> </div> <div type="chapter" osisID="Chapter 2"> <p>This is Chapter 2, the introduction.<note type="x-endnote" n="i">Endnote</note> </p> <div type="section"> <title>Section 1</title> <p>This is chapter 2, section 1.</p> </div> <div type="section"> <title>Section 2</title> <p>This is chapter 2, section 2.</p> <p>Default <hi type="italic">Italics</hi> </p> <p>Default <hi type="bold">Bold</hi> </p> <p>Default<hi type="super">SuperScript</hi> </p> <p>Default<hi type="sub">Subscript</hi> </p> <p>This is Hebrew: עִבְרִי.</p> </div> </div> </div> </osisText> </osis>