Tutorial:Compiling & Installing SWORD on Windows

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Revision as of 20:57, 30 September 2011 by Refdoc (talk | contribs)

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For compiling on Linux, see Tutorial:Compiling & Installing SWORD.

Compiling The SWORD Project using MS Visual Studio 2008

  1. Create a build directory, hereafter referred to as $dir$. Much of the Sword build process expects that various downloads be unpacked to the same directory.

Compiling cURL

  1. Download the latest release of cURL
  2. Extract the ZIP to $dir$
  3. Rename the cURL directory to "curl" (with no version number)
  4. Open $dir$\curl\vc6curl.dsw
  5. Allow Visual Studio to update the project files
  6. Build all (Click Build | Batch Build... | Select All | Build)

Compiling icu-sword

  1. Download the latest release of icu-sword
  2. Extract the tarball to $dir$
  3. Open $dir$\icu-sword\source\allinone\allinone.sln
  4. Build all (Click Build | Batch Build... | Select All | Build)

Compiling libsword

  1. Download the latest release of The SWORD Project
  2. Extract the tarball to $dir$
    If you are building utilities or diatheke, the following steps are not necessary:
  3. Open $dir$\sword-$version$\lib\vcppmake\vc8\libsword.vcproj
  4. Build all (Click Build | Batch Build... | Select All | Build)

Compiling utilities

  1. Open $dir$\sword-$version$\utilities\vcppmake\utilities.sln
  2. Build all (Click Build | Batch Build... | Select All | Build)

Compiling diatheke

  1. Open $dir$\sword-$version$\utilities\diatheke\diatheke.vcproj
  2. Build all (Click Build | Batch Build... | Select All | Build)

Cross Compiling Sword for MS Windows on Suse Linux with MingW

Suse with MingW

Installation of all necessary dependencies of Sword, but for CLucene - libcurl, ICU, libgnurx etc -

Compilation of Clucene

3 files need editing

compilation with following script

Compilation of Sword

Application of 2 patches:

patch1 patch2