Talk:Osis2mod testcases

From CrossWire Bible Society
Revision as of 12:57, 25 April 2009 by Dmsmith (talk | contribs) (Osis2mod -A (append switch))

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Osis2mod -A (append switch)

Some issues may only become apparent when using the command line switch "-A" to append to a module. Please remember to make test cases for this feature. David Haslam 16:07, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

I'm not aware of any problems with -a. Can you give specific problems you have encountered? Put them on the page, with enough description for us to recreate the problem.
Most of these might fall into a "lessons learned"/"don't do that" category, belonging on the osis2mod page. The -a flag has significant limitations. The primary purpose of the -a flag is to allow the incremental building of a module, typically a book at a time. And compression needs to be done separately, if at all.
It can be used for fixing verses, but that requires great care to get it right. It probably should be only done at a chapter or book level so that the entire context is present. Another problem with using it to "fix" verses is that the old is still in the module, but nothing points to it. And it does not work on compressed modules.
--Dmsmith 12:57, 25 April 2009 (UTC)