Non-CrossWire Text-Development Projects

From CrossWire Bible Society
Revision as of 09:58, 22 March 2009 by David Haslam (talk | contribs) (Collections: Encyclopedia Puritannica)

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The CrossWire Bible Society's purpose is to develop Bible software. Part of what makes great software is the availability of great content: Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, atlases, and other books. CrossWire depends on the availability of great content produced by others--we generally do not produce our own original content.

Other projects around the Web have been started to produce electronic editions of texts that we would love to see incorporated into SWORD. The following are a list of links to such projects. Involvement in these projects does not usually require a great deal of technical expertise, so we strongly encourage people who want to help SWORD improve but who don't feel prepared to contribute by writing code to contribute their time and work to these projects.

Some of these projects have a limited scope (perhaps just one book) while others serve as repositories for massive collections of texts. All links are just suggestions. If you find additional projects or particular works being produced by those projects, please add them to the list.

Individual Works


  • Nordic (Scandinavian) literature (including some Bibles, etc)
  • Several historic Bibles and other important books have been digitized by the web-master, Yves Petrakian.
  • The Project is dedicated to republishing the extensive literary efforts of the Reverend Matthew Poole (1624-79). The cornerstone of the project is the translation of Poole's massive Synopsis Criticorum (Synopsis of Interpreters), making it available in English for the first time. This is an ongoing translation project. The translation work is being undertaken by Pastor Steven Dilday. Pastor Dilday is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Reformed Church serving in the Northern Virginia congregation. He holds a Ph.D. Degree in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary. This work was drawn to my attention by reading Victor Perry's review in The Banner of Truth magazine (issue 547, April 2009). So far the first 5 volumes have been translated. These are available in print through, or to purchase as downloads at much lower cost. There are some samples available as free downloads.
  • The Encyclopedia Puritannica Project (EPP) is an federation of Christians committed to the orthodox truths of Scripture. We believe these truths to be well understood, articulated, and applied by the Puritans and other Reformed teachers, both past and present. Many of these works have been forgotten by the modern church and thus, have become practically inaccessible. It is our desire to see these works go forth to the nations once again. This project, begun in 1997, is dedicated to the accomplishment of this task. Our goal is to make faithful digital copies of these works available to Christians once again.



The following powerful inter-library search engines are useful as aids for general research.: